7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2
CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, 7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2Dynamite,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2Dynamite,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2Dynamite 7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2Dynamite
7.4V 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo: Mini-T, Mini-LST2 Overview
This item has special shipping requirements. Please see our shipping information page for more details.Reap the benefit of Li-Po?s longer run times and better performance over standard Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries. Dynamite has released this 2000mAh 2S 20C LiPo battery pack specifically for 1/18th scale vehicles like Team Losi's Mini-T and Mini-LST.